

Home Product Dry -Type Transformer

Large-Capacity Ultra-High Voltage Dry-Type Transformer

Executive standards:

IEEE C57.12.91-2020 Standard test code for dry-type distributton and power transformers. 

IEEE C57.12.60-2020 Standard for thermal evaluation of insulation systems for dry-type power and distribution transformers. 

IEC60076-11:2018 “Power transformers - Part 11: Dry-type transformers”.

GB/T1094.1-2013“Power transformers Part 1: General”.

GB/T1094.3-2017“Power transformers Part 3: Insulation levels, insulation tests and external insulation air gaps”.

GB/T1094.5-2008“Power transformers Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit”.

GB/T1094.10-2003"Power transformers Part 10: Determination of sound level".

GB/T1094.11-2022“Power transformers Part 11: Dry-type transformers”.

GB/T10228-2015“Technical parameters and requirements for dry-type transformers”.

GB/T22072-2008 “Technical parameters and requirements for dry-type non-crystalline alloy core distribution transformers”.

GB 20052-2020 “Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency grades for power transformers”.

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Product Introduction:

It provides personalized customization for large capacity, high voltage, multiple current pulses, and complex load electrical environments, breaking through the design, manufacturing, and application bottleneck of traditional dry-type transformers. It is widely used in key national aerospace, aviation, nuclear industry research units, and extreme special working conditions.

Product Features:

1.Personalized customization.

2.Reasonable structure, high mechanical strength.

3.Stable operation, strong short-circuit resistance, low leakage flux, and low temperature rise.

4.Superior to international advanced design and manufacturing levels.